Torah Columns
1915 results total, viewing 1881 - 1890
By Rabbi Avi Billet There is a very subtle change in the way Megillat Esther refers to Haman’s family and advisors before he is disgraced leading Mordechai through the street on a horse, and how … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Feb. 27, 2009 / 3 Adar 5769 Parshat Terumah always begs the question: If the instructions for the Mishkan (Tabernacle/Sanctuary) were only for the single time and … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Feb. 20, 2009 / 26 Shevat 5769 In the Jewish life that we live, it is fair to say that we put a lot of stock in the teachings of the rabbis of old. Without their … more
A different perspective on Yitro By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Feb. 13, 2009 / 19 Shevat 5769 Rashi says Yitro had seven names (18:1). Some of the commentaries question this, because Reuel … more
Opinion By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Feb. 13, 2009 / 19 Shevat 5769 Relative to other surgeries, bris milah is a simple procedure, with a surprisingly low risk rate. At the same time, an … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Feb. 6, 2009 / 12 Shevat 5769 If you’ve never read Virginian Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech in its entirety, your time … more
Issue of Feb. 6, 2009 / 12 Shevat 5769 Pre-schoolers at Yeshiva of South Shore’s Hollander Early Childhood Center studied the 10 plagues in a hands-on, non-frightening way. They poured and … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Jan. 30, 2009 / 5 Shevat 5769 The Torah is an amazing book. You can read and reread over and over, and each time you find something new: a nuance, a tidbit, … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Jan. 23, 2009 / 27 Tevet 5769 It’s that time of year again when the Jews have a chance to revel over and relish in the way G-d “stuck it to those Egyptians” … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Jan. 16, 2009 / 20 Teves 5769 Chapter 4: “24 — And it was on the way in the inn, and the Lord met him and he wanted his death. 25 — And Zipporah took a … more
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