Torah Columns
1915 results total, viewing 1871 - 1880
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of May 15, 2009 / 21 Iyar 5769 As we close the book of Vayikra, a book with surprisingly sparse narrative, it is interesting to note the span of time that has passed … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of May 8, 2009 / 14 Iyar 5769 In the laws of Rosh Hashana (Shulchan Arukh 581:1), the Rema says the leader of the services, the chazzan (cantor) must be 30 years old … more
Distinctly sanctifying His name By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of May 1, 2009/ 7 Iyar 5769 Over the course of one week, Jews around the world commemorate the destruction that was the … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of April 24, 2009 / 30 Nissan 5769 In Vayikra 13:33 and 14:8-9 we see instances of how people on the road to reassuming a status of “taharah” –– readiness to … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of April 10, 2009 / 16 Nissan 5769 Everyone knows the song: “Dai dai yay-nu, dai dai yay-nu…” As much as we get into it, what is the meaning of this poem … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of April 3, 2009 / 9 Nissan 5769 Ask anyone, “What are the commandments one fulfills on the night of the seder?” The numerous negative commandments related to … more
From the other side of the bench By David Seidemann Issue of April 3, 2009 / 9 Nissan 5769 If each book of the five books of Moses was a movie in and of itself, and if Hollywood movie … more
By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of March 27, 2009 / 2 Nissan 5769 In his comment on Exodus 12:15, former Chief Rabbi of England Rabbi J.H. Hertz writes, “Leaven is the symbol of corruption, … more
Virtuous testimony By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of March 20, 2009 / 24 Adar 5769 After the debacle of the Golden Calf, the question must be asked: were the Israelites completely forgiven for … more
Karet: a separation from the community By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of March 13, 2009 / 17 Adar 5769 Of all Torah portions, Ki Tisa has the largest number of mitzvot that include a … more
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