Shalhevet’s in fashion


Look out Heidi Klum — the girls at Midreshet Shalhevet are rocking the latest fashion trend: Tzniut!

Shalhevet held its first Fashion Week, with the girls dressing up in their most fashion-forward and tzniut outfits to fit the theme of each day, ranging from formal wear, business attire, Shabbat afternoon and casual Sunday. Students voted on who they thought was best dressed and that led to a runway show on Friday with all of the finalists, who sashayed their way down the platform in the school auditorium.

Tali Roth won first place and received a $25 gift certificate to Forever 21. Runners up Michal Ben Shabat and Tali Wilder received gift cards as well. All of the girls recognized that you can be stylish for any occasion without compromising on tzniut.