On the Calendar 10-30-09


Issue of October 30 2009/ 12 Cheshvan 5770

Cedarhurst - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns Kosher Culinary Institute presents Japanese cooking with Chef Cynthia Legaspi on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., at the JCC, 207 Grove Avenue in Cedarhurst.   The fee for this class is $50.  For registration information please call 516-569-6733, ext. 222.

Cedarhurst -  Uri Schneider and Phil Schneider will present their documentary, "Transcending Stuttering," which follows the lives of 7 people who stutter, as they grow from childhood into adulthood at the JCC of the Greater Five Towns  on Sunday, November 8, 7-9:00 pm. Discussion will follow. Open to teens and adults who stutter, and their families.  Please RSVP or for more details contact events@schneiderspeech.com

Cedarhurst - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns offers  Kids Corner,  a program for special needs children, on Sundays, from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.  A light lunch is provided.  For further information please call 516-569-6733, ext. 205.

New York City - The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services will hold its 22nd annual conference on Bikur Cholim on Sunday, November 8th at the UJA Federation at 130 East 59th Street. The all day conference will include a keynote address by Rabbi Aaron Glatt M.D., workshops and presentations by Dr. David Pelcovitz and Rabbi Jay Schwartz. Registration is required  call 212-399-2685 ext. 212, email bikurcholimcc@jbfcs.org or online at www.bikurcholimcc.org. Cost $36.

Cedarhurst - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns is hosting a  Thanksgiving Bash,  for its Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) members and their families on Wednesday, November 18, 2009,  from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  For further information please call 516-569-6733, ext. 21


Far Rockaway - Rabbi Eytan Feiner's Machshavah Shiur in Sifrei Maharal on Chumash and Mo'adim for men and women has resumed. Tuesday evenings from 8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. at Congregation Kneseth Israel, 728 Empire Ave., Far Rockaway.  For more information call (718) 327-0500 or www.whiteshul.com.

Stony Brook- Sexual abuse and abduction prevention educational workshops- Parents for Megan's Law and The Crime Victims Center is now offering age appropriate sexual abuse and abduction prevention educational workshops for children, teens and adults. Will come to your school or community organization. They've educated over 50,000 Long Island children and parents in public and private schools and in community organizations. Call for more information or to schedule a workshop today 631-689-2672.

Cedarhurst - The Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst holds a Flexible Morning Learning Program Mon. to Thurs. from 10:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. There are shiurim and chavrusas in Chumash, Gemara, Halacha and Chovos Halevavos. Learners may come and go as they please. The Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst is located at 504 W. Broadway (off the corner of W. Broadway and Cedarhurst Ave.) Contact Rabbi Moshe Kaufman at (718) 471-2780 moshehkaufman@gmail.com.

Cedarhurst-The JCC of the Greater Five Towns is offering a social day program called "Remember When." This program is especially designed for memory enhancement and socialization. The cost includes a full range of therapeutic activities, morning beverage, dessert, and a kosher lunch. Round-trip door to door handicapped accessible transportation is available on a limited basis. Registration is limited to first come first serve basis to ensure maximum benefits to each participant. The program runs on a summer schedule and meets at Sons of Israel in Woodmere, For further information call the JCC at 569-6733.

Cedarhurst - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns hosts a Cards and Friendship group from 1-3 PM. Come alone or bring a friend for a fun afternoon at the JCC. Enjoy meeting new people, good conversation and challenging games. Call for fall schedule. For further information, please call Lisa Stern at 569-6733 x209.

Woodmere- The JCC of the Greater Five Towns hosts the Come Alive Program at Sons of Israel in Woodmere. This program provides an opportunity for home bound older adults to participate in social, recreational & intellectual activities. Kosher lunch will be provided and door-to-door transportation is available on a limited basis. Call for fall schedule. For further information, please call Mary Sheffield x219 or Linda Balch x211 at 569-6733.

Cedarhurst - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns hosts every Tuesday a Parkinson's Support Group. The purpose of this group is to bring together Parkinsonians, spouses and their families in order to help them better understand the nature of the condition, gain confidence and join in community activities. For further information, please contact Cathy Byrne at 569-6733 x220.

Woodmere - The JCC of the Greater Five Towns hosts Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) group on Wednesdays at Temple Hillel in North Woodmere.  Our goal is to offer a safe haven where clients and family members feel accepted for who they are. For further information, please contact Lisa Barnett x210 or Chana Pfeiffer x213 at 569-6733.

Cedarhurst -  The JCC of the Greater Five Towns offers a Sibling Support Group for families of special needs children on Sundays, from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30  p.m.  For further information please call 516-569-6733, ext. 205.