In mom’s memory


Ner Sarah fund honors Shari Siman-Tov a”h

By Jewish Star staff

Issue of Sept. 5, 2008

A barbeque pool party for women held in Woodmere last week raised funds for Hachnasat Kallah in memory of Shari Siman-Tov, who passed away several years ago after battling breast cancer.

The event was held by the Ner Sarah fund, an organization run in Siman-Tov’s memory by her daughter, Ariella Siman-Tov, of Woodmere, and her friend, Lisi Stahler, of Lawrence.

An earlier event, a pre-Shavuot bake sale at the Siman-Tov home, raised nearly $10,000 for scholarships for young women who wish to study in Israel. The Ner Sarah fund also sponsors a weekly Sunday night shiur at Congregation Sharei Emuna, on Peninsula and Oakland Avenues in Cedarhurst.

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Donations in Shari Siman-Tov’s memory can also be sent to the Shari Siman-Tov Memorial Fund at Chai Lifeline, 151 West 30th Street, New York, New York 10001, attention Mr. Samuel Zaks.