US Politics
114 results total, viewing 101 - 110
On Christmas Day 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist and the Cold War ended. Or did it? The answer depends on whether the Cold War was a conflict between two powerful nation-states or a … more
A bipartisan group of House members gathered at the Rayburn House Office Building on April 27 under the auspices of the Latino-Jewish House Caucus … more
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Monday that a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia was achievable within a year, but warned that the window of opportunity was … more
The stock of historical figures rises and falls with the changing times that follow them. That is especially true for presidents. Examples of these top leaders whose reputations have risen and fallen … more
The editor-in-chief of the Jewish Press at the time of the Capitol riot was arrested last week and charged with interfering with law enforcement during the Jan. 6, 2021, violence. Elliot Resnick, … more
Last month I made my first visit to Capitol Hill since Dec. 28, 2020, the day I had cast my final vote on the floor of Congress before my retirement from the House of Representatives. Actually, the … more
Elan Ganeles of Connecticut was murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists this week, thus becoming the 147th American citizen to be killed by Palestinians since 1968. Yet not a single Palestinian … more
During an event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the United Nations last month, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan ripped the global body for failing to tackle … more
Viewing the American political scene today, I can’t help thinking about what Yeats wrote more than a century ago: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed … more
Seen only in the context of the struggle between America’s two major political parties, the House of Representatives’ vote to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the Foreign Relations … more
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