164 results total, viewing 161 - 164
By Mayer Fertig Issue of August 21, 2009 / 1 Elul 5769 After years of talk about a tuition crisis, many families that scrimped and sacrificed to send children to yeshiva in the past have hit a … more
Issue of August 7, 2009 / 17 Av 5769 RESULTS WEEK 6 - AUGUST 2 CHABAD      7        V    YIH    5 B.S.                13       V    … more
Mayer Fertig Issue of Feb. 27, 2009 / 3 Adar 5769 So your best friend and her husband are receiving a well-deserved honor from the shul, school or organization to which they devote so much time … more
Rabbinical students gain practical experience in local shul By Yaffi Spodek Issue of Sept. 19, 2008 Three students from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) of Yeshiva … more
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