234 results total, viewing 11 - 20
Riverdale remembered the Holocaust the way Jews commemorate so much: through ritual. The device created for this by Rabbi Avi Weiss at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale was a Yom HaShoah Seder. … more
Accepting the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film, Jonathan Glazer, director of the Holocaust movie “The Zone of Interest,” read, with quivering hands, from a prepared … more
It is painful for Jack Betteil, 100, to remember the concentration camps he survived during the Holocaust, narrowly escaping death many times. But after offering chocolate babka and water to a JNS … more
On a visit to Yad Vashem 10 years ago, Mitch Albom, the sports journalist turned inspirational book author, was struck by a story that emerged from one of the video displays. … more
Marion Blumenthal Lazan, a longtime Hewlett resident, has received the highest honor given by the German government, for her courageous retelling of her experience living through the Holocaust. … more
Two days after International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Hewlett High School students received an education on the horrific event with several classes gathered in the building’s library to … more
For months, the news has been filled with some chilling events aimed at the Jews: Kidnap, rape, torture, murder and war with a brutal enemy that hides in schools, hospitals and an endless network of … more
If you’re a Jew looking for sympathy in these sucker-punch days of hyper-antisemitism, find a way to transport yourself back to the early 1990s, a time when Holocaust memory — … more
The air outside the entrance to the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center was filled with the sweet scent of freshly turned soil. Children and their families worked to carefully plant daffodil … more
In the wake of the Hamas terror attacks on Oct. 7, people searching for historical antecedents sometimes cited Kristallnacht, the “night of broken glass” in Germany on Nov. 9 and 10, … more
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