14809 results total, viewing 14571 - 14580
Industry observers predict limited impact By Yaffi Spodek Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 In the wake of the immigration and child labor scandals at the AgriProcessors kosher meatpacking plant in … more
Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 A radio listener who called in to the popular program hosted by former New York City Mayor Ed Koch a number of years ago went to great lengths to stress the extent to which … more
By Michael Orbach Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 At a window table at a kosher pizza store on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst on a recent Friday, two young men in their 20s sat with a reporter and … more
Eighteen-year-old Kevin O’Brien goes to school, enjoys hanging out with his friends, playing video games … more
New facility to be built at Temple Israel By Yaffi Spodek Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 The Jewish Community Center of the Greater Five Towns has signed a letter of intent to purchase property at … more
Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 Dear That’s Life, As I read the news last week I noticed that the Mets lost (again). I commented out loud that it looks like the Mets are going to blow it. My four year … more
G-d’s clear indirect message By Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 For the parsha with the fewest number of verses in the Torah, Vayelech is quite busy. (Nitzavim has 10 more … more
Teshuva and Yomim Noraim, The Noraos Harav (vol. 16) Suggested reading for Yom Kippur Reviewed by Alan Jay Gerber Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 As we are now in the midst of the yemei … more
By David Seidemann Issue of Oct. 3, 2008 I was meandering near the intersection of Court St. and Montague in downtown Brooklyn the other day, when a young lady with a clip-board and pen … more
The weeks before a presidential election provide spiritual fodder for the week between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Throughout political campaigns, … more
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