Rabbi David Etengoff
344 results total, viewing 21 - 30
O ur Sages, in Tosefta Berachot 4:17-18, ask a fundamental question: “Why did Yehudah merit kingship?” After all, each of the brothers was great in his own way; why, then, was Yehudah and … more
Parashat Vayeshev concludes with the story of Yosef’s imprisonment in an Egyptian dungeon as a result of Potiphar’s wife’s false accusations. While incarcerated, Yosef rises to the … more
Chanukah and Purim, the two rabbinically based chagim , are joyous days of celebration and giving thanks to Hashem. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt”l said “Purim and Chanukah … more
Sefer Bereshis presents three celebrated name changes that were declared by the Almighty or one of His angels. The first two were Avram and Sarai, whose names were changed to Avraham and Sarah. … more
T he Festival of Sukkot contains two major mitzvot — dwelling in the Succah on the night of the 15th of Tishrei, and the taking of the Arba’at HaMinim. These acts are in the halachic … more
This Sabbath is Shabbat Shuvah, when our spiritual efforts are focused on returning to Hashem. The Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuvah is one of the most celebrated works on teshuvah. Therein, he notes … more
This Motzai Shabbat we begin the recitation of Selichot in order to prepare ourselves to meet the Master of the Universe on Rosh Hashana. As such, it is no mere metaphor that the initial pasukim of … more
Our parasha contains two terms that are found nowhere else in Tanach, namely, he’e’marta and he’e’mircha : “Today you have declared allegiance ( he’e’marta ) … more
One of the major shul-based practices of the month of Elul is listening to the clarion call of the shofar following the recitation of Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” … more
Our parasha contains a phrase that is found in the first bracha of the Shemoneh Esrei: “God your Lord is the ultimate Supreme Being and the highest possible Authority. Great, mighty and … more
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