728 results total, viewing 721 - 728
Both the pro-Israel and anti-Israel camps are celebrating the passage of a college campus divestment measure. That doesn’t happen too often, if ever. But for the pro-Israel side in this Chicago … more
Ask two Jews, you get three opinions—or is it four? Two millennia after the fall of the Second Temple—due, it is said, to the bickering among factions—not much has changed. From J … more
President Obama last Thursday signed into law the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (H.R. 644). As is often the case, the White House issued a signing statement along with the … more
By Roz Rothstein and Yitzhak Santis Malicious campaigns to intimidate Jewish and other pro-Israel students and faculty into silence are occurring on far too many North American college campuses. … more
A rally sponsored was staged in front of the UJA-Federation building in Manhattan on Monday evening to protest support reputedly given to a pro-BDS group by … more
Woodmere-based real estate investment and development firm Basser-Kaufman bought the Peninsula Shopping Center in Hewlett from Shelly Horne of HST Realty for $27 million. The transaction was … more
By Sergey Kadinsky Issue of October 15, 2010, 7 Cheshvan 5771 Corralled behind a police barricade with only five demonstrators present, a tiny Kansas-based church brought the hate to … more
By Kevin Deutsch Issue of August 28, 2009 / 8 Elul 5769 When Aliza Hausman told her mother she wanted to be Jewish, the Dominican-born Catholic reared her arm back into a pitcher’s … more
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