725 results total, viewing 711 - 720
A survey released Monday offers data backing up the argument that anti-Israel activity — by student groups, academics, and advocates of the Boycott, … more
Eight academic departments recently invited Jasbir Puar to Vassar College to talk about “Inhumanist Biopolitics: How Palestine Matters.” The Rutgers University associate professor of … more
American college professors have now shown their true colors when it comes to Israel. Remember how 126 historians recently tried to get the American Historical Association (AHA) to condemn Israel for … more
When is anti-Semitism not anti-Semitism? When propounded by the BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel, this perverted hatred, dressed up as social justice, is not … more
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose election victory over Stephen Harper last year ended nearly a decade of Conservative party rule in Canada, recently made a significant pro-Israel policy … more
When navigating to, I’m immediately confronted with a clenched fist on a red banner against a crisp white background, and the matter-of-fact wording that I’m viewing the … more
The special election to fill Dean Skelos’ state Senate seat turned this week on the relationship of the candidates and their political parties to BDS and J Street. Republican state senators, … more
Both the pro-Israel and anti-Israel camps are celebrating the passage of a college campus divestment measure. That doesn’t happen too often, if ever. But for the pro-Israel side in this Chicago … more
Ask two Jews, you get three opinions—or is it four? Two millennia after the fall of the Second Temple—due, it is said, to the bickering among factions—not much has changed. From J … more
President Obama last Thursday signed into law the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (H.R. 644). As is often the case, the White House issued a signing statement along with the … more
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